Friday, August 28, 2009

The One

Many times in life we measure significance with quantity. When we get a raise and make X amount of money-then Ill be successful. Once I finally make it on a hit TV show, have 2.5 kids, own a home, write a book…the list goes on. I call these “stage moments”- moments on the stage of life that everyone gets to witness and applaud. However these moments are fleeting and rarely keep us satisfied.

Jesus had plenty of “stage moments”- speaking to thousands on a hillside, riding through town on a donkey with everyone singing His praise, and how about being the life of the party by turning water into wine! Jesus was constantly elevated to that stage but his main focus was always on the ‘one’.

Nicodimus, the woman at the well, each disciple, the woman with the issue of blood, that one lost sheep…the list goes on and on about the one person that Jesus would focus on and care for. People constantly demanded his time but He exampled the importance of loving and caring for one persons need. He would stop everything to care for and love the one.

This got me thinking, do I care as much for the ‘one’ in my life or am I only valuing the stage moments of life? When we think that the stage moments are the most important we use people to get there. We subconsciously ask ourselves, “What can this person do for me?” instead of “What can I do for this person?”

When we value the one:
-We ask them questions about their life and listen-talk less and listen more
-We don’t value people on what they do or by how much money they make
-We meet their need (whether it be a prayer or a meal)
-We look for opportunities to meet strangers (on an airplane, at work, a waitress)
-We are nice; even when they are not
-We have relationship with them even when we get nothing in return

These are a few things off the top of my head. How about you? Are you loving the one or using people to get on that stage?

I have never been disappointed when I have poured out my love and time on the one. It is not always easy but well worth it. A value in my life that I will choose to live by is this: I will value the 'One'; giving of my time and heart to the hurting ones around me.

1 comment:

brechud said...

Very well said my friend! I think far too often I'm living for the stage moments without even realizing it. This has challenged me to make a more conscious effort to focus on 'the one'. Love you and have a blast in the land down under. Sorry I didn't catch ya last night, Bryan's mum got on skype and we needed to chat. xoxo Bre