Saturday, March 6, 2010

The Jonah Project

Last night, I had to do something that was not easy.

I had to follow God.

I would love to say that every time God asks something of you its just peachy and easy and of no sacrifice. However the truth is sometimes it just sucks and is hard and confusing and But no matter how difficult it is I choose to say YES to Him. Too many times I have ignored His voice and did my own thing and have always regretted it. Everything He asks of us is for a reason and a plan. Maybe its to help us grow and mature in our faith or maybe its just simply out of obedience to Him.

God told Jonah to go and tell the people of Ninevah to repent and turn back to God. Jonah was scared for his life and refused to go. You know the story...he got on a boat going the opposite direction....a big storm....sailers asking whats up...they figure out that Jonah is running from God and decided to save themselves and throw him over board.... he gets swallowed by a giant fish, 3 days later is spit out and Jonah finally gets to Ninevah and does what God asked him to do in the first place.

I refuse to be Jonah. I choose to go the first time. I choose to listen and obey even when I don't understand or think I know better. Fear and unbelief go together- If Im living in fear Im not believing that God is in control and has my best in mind.

His ways are higher than ours. His thoughts are not our thoughts. I choose to live in love and obedience.

Whats your Jonah Project?

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