Monday, December 15, 2008

New View

Sometimes we need a new perspective. 

A few days ago I came home to a dead mouse in my kitchen! I HATE rodents with a passion. My husband was out and couldn't come home even when I begged from the other line. I had to take care of the poor little guy. It took me about 20 minutes to just make sure he was dead. I scooped him up in the dust pan and threw him in the trash. If that wasn't terrifying enough now every time I hear the slightest noise I think a million mice will run out of my kitchen! Did I mention I hate rodents? So you can see why I was so freaked out again this morning when I woke up to another dead mouse in my kitchen!! This time it was curled up under a drawer, or so I thought. From the angle that I was looking at it- it was about ready to leap out and bite my nose. As I walked around the kitchen getting a different view (making sure that sucker was dead!) I realized something... it wasn't a mouse at all but a piece of black wrapper. I could have sworn that thing was a vicious, human eating mouse! oops. 

I do that quite a bit in my life. I have a fear of something or someone has hurt me and I only see from that angle. So when it comes time to open up to someone I remember the hurt and back away. When I am given the opportunity to step out into a new adventure I recoil due to the last time I failed. This is no way to live! It's just a piece of black wrapper. We sometimes need a new perspective. 

Have you ever stood on a ladder or remember being lifted up on your dads shoulders? Wow, what a view. You see things from a completely different angle. I need to let God lift me higher to look at life through His eyes, His perspective. His ways are higher than mine, His thoughts are deeper than mine. I honestly can not rely on my own view sometimes because it is clouded by failure, fear, hurt, even past success. 

Let's walk through today- checking out all the angles before we let something stand in our way. 


Stever said...

The first place I moved into had some mice in it I guess -- while I was out this guy came in and put the sticky traps down (*unethical!). Anyways, in the middle of the night I heard a noise and got up and ran my hand along the ground looking for the switch to the lamp. >STICKY!< my hand was caught on one of the papers. I knew what it was and continued to turn the light on only to discover a freshly dead mouse within millimetres of my hand!

:: dry heave ::

megan said...

Hey Grace! Welcome to Blogland!!! I look forward to reading more!
Megan (Philp)